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  • Writer's pictureCatherine Nguyen

GBA Gives Back in the Community

Updated: Jul 12, 2022

This weekend is Gold Nugget Days here in Paradise, California, home of the main office of Gary Bess Associates (GBA). GBA is a primary sponsor for a number of community organizations and events. These include two major annual community celebrations in Paradise, Gold Nugget Days in the spring and Johnny Appleseed Days in the fall, in addition to GBA’s support for organizations serving youth and disadvantaged populations in its community.

GBA is a major sponsor of the Sojourner’s House on the Ridge, our local homeless shelter. We provide pro bono grant writing and support their annual fundraising dinner. We also provide items for their silent auction fundraiser.

GBA also sponsors the Boys and Girls Clubs of the North Valley, donates to the local Salvation Army, provides free consultation and grant writing to the Oroville Southside Improvement Association that is improving the nearby South Oroville neighborhood, and Strive Booster Club that provides youth access to dance.

“We feel fortunate to work with organizations that do meaningful work in their communities,” says GBA Principal Gary Bess. “This inspires us to support local service systems where we live. It inspires us to share the commitments of our clients and apply them in our own communities.”

Gold Nugget Days is a community event held every spring for more than 60 years in the northern Sierra Nevada hills, commonly known as California’s “gold country.” The celebration is held in commemoration of the discovery nearby of the Dogtown Nugget in 1859, which at 54 lbs., was the largest single nugget ever found in California.

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